Hair transplant - Chemical burn scar result photographs

Procedure detail

Shapiro Medical, we often get referrals for some of the lesser known
causes of hair loss. In this post we present the use of hair transplants
in chemical burns. This is not uncommon and there are a fair number of
females who will accidently suffer a 3rd degree chemical burn of the
scalp during hair lightening. Because the blood supply is poorer in this
type of scar, we have to usually plan on two sessions. The first one
adds some hair but also converts the scar tissue into more normal dermal
tissue with a better blood supply. The hair transplants also act as
small skin grafts that will attract a better blood supply and the tissue
becomes healthier. The second transplant can be done more densely. If
one is too aggressive the first time around you can get necrosis and
poor growth. It is very rewarding to do these type of patients.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

1634 grafts shown from the top, viewing before, immediate postoperative and after 1st session and after 2nd session pictures.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

Hair transplantation surgery using 1634 grafts shown from the top, viewing before, immediate postoperative and after 1st session and after 2nd session photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

using 1634 grafts shown from the top, viewing after 1st session and after 2nd session images.