Hair Restoration - Dr. Hasson - 2985 Grafts

In this hair restoration, Doctor Hasson transplanted 2985 grafts in one session, restoring this patient's frontal hairline and mid-scalp. Lookin' good! Hair restoration has come a long way since the early days of hair transplant surgery. Results by Hasson & Wong are so natural that they mimic nature. The advances made by Hasson & Wong in hair restoration, including the Lateral Slit Technique, have raised the bar results. View the largest collection of before/after hair restoration videos and see why more patients choose Hasson & Wong.
Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

Patient gender Male Patient sessions 1 Patient surgery type Trplt Patient grafts 2985