Should I Have a Hairline Lowering Procedure or a Hair Transplant?

Should I Have a Hairline Lowering Procedure or a Hair Transplant?

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:16

Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network


I am female and I have this area on my hairline that is thinning on both sides by the temples from over processing. Will the hairline lowering procedure help with this problem? I am not experiencing any other balding and my hair is thick everywhere else except for the said areas.


If your goal is to restore hair to the localized region in your temple areas and not to lower your entire hairline then I believe that hair transplant surgery is your best option. It is a far less invasive procedure than a hairline lowering procedure.

For more information on surgical hair restoration for women, I recommend reading the following article from our Hair Loss Q&A Blog, “When Surgical Hair Restoration is Appropriate for Women with Hair Loss.

For examples of women who have had hair transplant surgery, view the following discussion threads from our Hair Restoration Forum:

Female; 1730 FU single session; Dr. Beehner

3,148 grafts Female HT by Dr Cooley

David (TakingThePlunge) - Assistant Publisher and Forum Co-Moderator