When is it Safe to Use a Hair Dryer on Warm Setting After a Hair Transplant?

When is it Safe to Use a Hair Dryer on Warm Setting After a Hair Transplant?

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:15

Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network


I am just about 3 weeks post hair transplant and have been using a hair dryer on the low cool setting. Can someone tell me how long before I can use the high warm setting? And when can I towel dry my hair instead of just patting it down? My hair looks pretty flat.


Generally speaking drying your hair with heat is not good for your hair whether or not you've had a hair transplant.

Though the transplanted hair is permanently set in place by 10 to 14 days the recipient area will remain a bit sensitive as its healing. You will be safe at 3 weeks using a warm or hot setting as long as you don't linger in an area too long to burn the scalp. To this day though I still use a cool setting for overall hair health. You are also safe to towel dry your hair normally again after 2 weeks.

Bill - Associate Publisher