When is it Safe to Use Topical Concealers like Dermmatch, Toppik, and Courve After Hair Transplant Surgery?

When is it Safe to Use Topical Concealers like Dermmatch, Toppik, and Courve After Hair Transplant Surgery?

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:16

Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network


I had a hair transplant five days ago of 3,700 grafts. I was wondering when I could start using concealers again to cover my baldness and if its okay to use the concealer on the donor scar?


Congratulations on your recent hair transplant.

You are safe to use topical concealers again like Courve, Toppik, and Dermmatch after the first ten days. This will give the recipient area a chance to heal and the newly transplanted hair follicles to permanently attach themselves below the scalp. Hair restoration physicians have varying philosophies on when it's safe to use concealers or other hair styling products. Be sure to speak to your surgeon to get his/her medical opinion.

Once the sutures/staples are removed, you are also able to use the concealer of your choice on the donor scar.