Dr. Radha Palakurthi | Forum Posts

Member "RodG" Shares His Experience and Photos with Dr. Radha - 2075 Grafts

04/12/2021 - 06:53

View Forum member "RodG's" hair transplant experience and photos with Dr. Radha Palakurthi by viewing…

Had my First HT with Dr.Radha - 3400 Grafts

04/12/2021 - 06:53

Forum member "Back2Form" shares a detailed account of his excellent hair transplant experience with Dr. Radha.

The Ultimate Doctor Radha Experience

04/12/2021 - 06:53

Forum member "ArcaneX" shares his ultimate hair transplant hair transplant experience with Dr. Radha.

My first HT with Dr. Radha Rani / 22nd Feb 2013

04/12/2021 - 06:53

Forum member "dactum" presents his post-op photos and shares his hair transplant experience with Dr. Radha.

HT 25th June Dr Radha

04/12/2021 - 06:53

"litesport", a member of our hair loss community posts his hair transplant post op photos

Review of My Hair FUT Transplant with Dr Radha Rani 20/01/12

04/12/2021 - 06:53

"Lionman" shares a very detailed account of his world-class hair transplant experience with Dr. Radha Rani of…

HT with Dr.Radha Rani 2475 grafts Dec 17th

04/12/2021 - 06:54

Forum member "baldboy7" shares photos of his recent hair transplant with Dr. Radha.

Member "HiFlyer" Shares His Experience and Photos with Dr. Radha - 3354 Grafts

04/12/2021 - 06:53

Forum member "HiFlyer" shares his satisfactory hair transplant experience and photos with Dr. Radha…

Dr Radha - 2707 grafts on 18/11/13

04/12/2021 - 06:53

"tinkz" presents photos and details of his recent hair transplant with Dr. Radha.

3271 Grafts with Dr Radha Rani- awesome- no pain

04/12/2021 - 06:53

View latest updates from Dr. Radha patient, "Clayman".

Hair Transplant Patient of the Week: AllAboutHair's 2,989 FUT with Dr. Radha

04/12/2021 - 06:53

This week's Hair Transplant Patient of the Week is AllAboutHair, who recently received 2,989 grafts from Dr. Radha.

How I went from a NW5 to a NW1

04/12/2021 - 06:53

Forum member "cardel25"displays photos of his amazing hair restoration results with Dr. Radha.