Dr. Glenn Charles | Forum Posts

Dr. Glenn Charles 2401 grafts FUT Hairline and Crown

Dr. Glenn Charles 2401 grafts FUT Hairline and Crown

08/22/2022 - 16:39

This 49 year old male had 2401 grafts FUT placed to the crown and frontal areas. Photos show before/post-op and 10…

Dr. Glenn Charles 2555 grafts FUT

Dr. Glenn Charles 2555 grafts FUT

01/12/2022 - 19:51

This 46-year-old male had a 2555 grafts FUT placed in frontal area in a single session. Photos show before and 8 months…

Potential Danger of Wide Scars in Hair Transplant Surgery

07/27/2021 - 08:34

This is one of the potential downsides of taking donor strips that contain 4500 follicular units. Bigger strips=bigger…

Does Shampooing Affect Hair Loss?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

Trying Propecia (finasteride) daily and Nizoral shampoo a few times a week is a reasonable plan to start out with. You…

Scabs with Small Hairs Falling Off One Week After Hair Transplant Surgery

07/27/2021 - 08:34

Shedding of scabs that have little hairs in them at 1-1.5 weeks is normal. It is very unlikely that what you’re seeing…

Should I Be Concerned about Slower Hair Growth in the Crown after Hair Transplant Surgery?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

Over the past 14 years, I have routinely observed slower hair regrowth in the crown region compared to other areas,…

Post Hair Transplant Shock Loss: When Will Native Hair Regrow?

07/27/2021 - 08:35

The native hair that does not experience shock loss will start growing immediately and the hair loss that does occur…

Follicular Unit Hair Transplant Graft Survival: Reducing the Time out of the Body

07/27/2021 - 08:35

One of the methods I have used in my follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant cases with ARTAS is to make the…

Are Hair Transplant Megasessions Safe?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

The answer to this question is quite complex. It would depend on what hair restoration physician was performing the…

How Long Does Scalp Discoloration Remain after a Hair Transplant?

07/27/2021 - 08:34

The only patients that I have seen with post-operative redness lasting for more than 1-2 weeks are those with very fair…

Using Vitamin E Oil on a Hair Transplant Donor Scar

07/27/2021 - 08:34

In my hair restoration clinic, I recommend that all patients use Vitamin E oil on the donor wound to reduce the…

Maximum and “Safe” Density a Hair Transplant Surgeon Can Achieve

07/27/2021 - 08:34

If you asked 10 different hair transplant surgeons “what is the maximum safe follicular unit per square centimeter…